And this is mine.
So far, we have been working without power supply to the house and often battery powered equipment leaves us wanting more.
Not so with this Paslode Framing Nailer - it drives em deep, no hoses to pull around and the fuel cell and battery work as advertised.
I haven't had to wait on this guy yet. That is why it is my favorite tool.
EDIT: it also makes a distinct and satisfying sound when "fired."
So far, we have been working without power supply to the house and often battery powered equipment leaves us wanting more.
Not so with this Paslode Framing Nailer - it drives em deep, no hoses to pull around and the fuel cell and battery work as advertised.
I haven't had to wait on this guy yet. That is why it is my favorite tool.
EDIT: it also makes a distinct and satisfying sound when "fired."